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Manitoba Forests
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Manitoba Forest Companies & Tenure
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Manitoba Forest Companies & Tenure

Manitoba Forest Tenure System

Manitoba's current forest tenure system is based on the following components:
  • Provision of long-term forest management license agreements (FMLAs) to forestry companies for large tracts of forest lands (FMLs). These agreements include guarantees for fibre access, or annual allowable cut for the company within the license area. The company must fulfill the license agreement, file long-term and annual operating forest management plans, and acquire environmental licenses for its mills and woodland operations.
  • Provision of annual 'quota' timber harvesting rights to individual entities (individuals and/or companies) within specified tracts of lands. The province manages the forests where quota holders operate outside FML boundaries. The company manages the forest, and the quota holder arrangements inside FML boundaries.
Forest Management License Areas Manitoba
Larger Image
In addition to these two main tenure forms, Manitoba has provisions for short-term timber allocations:
  • Provision of special allocations (fixed term - agreements with First Nations)
  • Provision of timber sales (single year sales without competition)
  • Provision of timber auctions (single year)
  • Provision of timber permits (less than 300 cubic meters where the permittee intends to sell; less than 100 cubic meters where the permittee intends for personal use - one year max)
There are also private woodlots that are not managed by the province. These may be part of a forest management plan, especially where Louisiana Pacific operates in Manitoba.

For information regarding Manitoba's tenure system, forest management license areas & agreements, wood permits and quotas, see the Manitoba Conservation Forestry Branch web site.

Manitoba Forest Companies

Louisiana-Pacific Canada Ltd.
LP logoLouisiana-Pacific (LP) currently holds FML 03. Its environmental licence for its ten-year (1996-2005) forest management plan (FMP) expired December 31, 2005 (Licence No 2191E) and was extended by two years from January 1, 2006 to January 1, 2008. Louisiana-Pacific has also submitted an annual operating plan (AOP) that details its proposed harvesting and renewal activities for the upcoming year. See Public Registry File No. 3893 for details.

For more information on Louisiana-Pacific Canada Ltd.

Tembec Industries Inc.
Tembec logoTembec has a Canadian operations website, and a website specific to its Manitoba operations publicly launched November 28, 2006.

This mill is the oldest in Manitoba, with operations starting in the 1930's. Recent ownership includes: Abitibi-Price, Pine Falls Paper Company, and Tembec. As of fall 2009 the mill is closed.

Tembec's Manitoba site provides information to the public on Tembec's activities in FML 01, including Forest Management Plans, Public Meetings, Forest Monitoring and Research Reports, our Environmental Management Systems, and Forest Certification.

For more information on Tembec Industries Inc.

Tolko Industries Ltd.
Tolko logoTolko Industries Ltd. currently holds FML 02 (License No. 2302 ER) and operates within the parameters of a 1997-2009 FMP and associated EIS (Public Registry File # 3094.60). It acquired the REPAP operations and mills in The Pas in 1997. The current FMP/EIS was originally filed by Repap Manitoba Inc. but was assumed by Tolko when the company took over Repap's Manitoba operations. Tolko submits an annual operating plan (AOP) for its proposed harvesting and renewal activities. The environmental license for its operations is multi year, on the same timeline as it forestry license. Tolko is currently pursuing ISO 14001 EMS and CSA certification status.

No public information exists as to when the company will file an application for license, and long-term plan.

For more information on Tolko Industries Ltd.

Ainsworth Lumber Co.
Ainsworth logo Vancouver-based Ainsworth Lumber Co. interested in building a $250-million oriented strand board (OSB) plant northeast of Winnipeg, to produce a plywood-like product used in home building for roofing, walls and floors. Ainsworth is the fourth largest producer of OSB in North America with plants in Minnesota, Alberta, British Columbia and Ontario.

For more information on Ainsworth Lumber Co.

Forestry Company Responsibilities

lumber Forestry companies assume broad levels of management control and responsibility through the provisions of their forest management licenses agreements, environment license, and long or short term forest management plan. Annual operating plans also must be accepted by Manitoba Conservation. Little public review of annual operating plans or access to assessment of woodlands operations is available. Manitoba Conservation's forestry administration is divided into ten separate Forest Sections with each section having a number of Forest Management Units (FMUs). Forest inventories (generally still a timber inventory) are analyzed to determine annual allowable cut (AAC) of softwood and hardwood tree species for each individual FMU. Harvesting cannot exceed the AAC limit, or caps in forest management license agreements.

Forestry companies must submit long-term Forest Management Plans (FMPs) in addition to an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The EIS must identify potential environmental effects and respond to EIS Guidelines. The FMP must be developed in accordance with current provincial policies and guidelines. FMPs must describe proposed harvesting, access development and forest renewal activities. FMPs must also describe the forest values, planning framework and consultation process, preferred management approach, operating practices, and a sustainable wood supply analysis.

In addition to FMPs, forestry companies are required to submit Annual Operating Plans (AOPs) that describes in detail the timber harvesting, access development, and forest renewal activities proposed for the current year. AOPs also identify proposed general activities for the following two years. Forest developments of greater than 300 cubic meters per year are considered Class 2 Developments under the Manitoba Environment Act and require the submission of an Environment Act Proposal Form to the Environmental Approvals Branch within Manitoba Conservation.

Manitoba Forestry Industry History

Manitoba's forestry industry is tied to the history of the province's settlement and dates back to the early 1870s.

This 2000 report, authored by the Historic Resources Branch of the Manitoba government, provides an overview of the forest harvesting and lumber industry history from the 1870s through to the middle of the 20th century.

downloadDownload February 2000 report, The Lumber Industry in Manitoba (PDF)

Page updated Sat, May 31, 2014
Manitoba Wildlands2025