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Tim Horton's Camp Stopped 27 October 09

Wilderness CommitteePublic backlash and water quality concerns have ruled out Meditation Lake, in Whiteshell Provincial Park, as the site for Tim Horton's $10 million youth leadership camp, Manitoba's new Premier Greg Selinger announced.

Tim Horton Children Foundation and Manitoba Conservation had chose Meditation Lake as location of a children's camp – prior to any public notification. The Lake will be maintained as a non-development area for walk-in camping and remote access to backcountry zones in the park.

Public consultation held spring 2009 raised concerns over the area's delicate ecosystem, and the government's decision to clear trees and build a road before consultation or licensing. Water quality results did not meet the criteria for the development of a major camp after high levels of blue-green algae were found.

An alternate site will be sought in the Whiteshell Park. Tim Horton's operates five camps in Canada and one in the U.S., providing underprivileged youth, aged 13 to 17 the opportunity to learn leadership skills in a wilderness setting.

View October 22, 2009 My Steinbach article
View October 22, 2009 CBC article
View October 23, 2009 Winnipeg Sun article
View October 22, 2009 Winnipeg Free Press article
View Western Canada Wilderness Committee Meditation Lake coverage

Sources: Government of Manitoba, CBC, Winnipeg Sun
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October 24th - International Climate Action Day 22 October 09

Climate Action 2009Thousands of Canadians will gather on Parliament Hill, Ottawa, for International Day Climate Action Day October 24th; a day that promises to be the most widespread day of environmental action in history. The event will highlight 350ppm, the number scientists agree is the upper limit for carbon dioxide (in parts per million) in Earth's atmosphere to avoid accelerated climate change.

The International Climate Action Day falls during 'Power Shift Canada', a Canadian Youth Climate Coalition event October 23 to 26 in Ottawa. On October 26th youth will meet with MPs and Senators to discuss renewable energy, green jobs, and managing a sustainable and clean economy.

"We're calling for Canada to do its part to build and ratify an ambitious, fair and binding agreement at the Copenhagen UN climate summit in December 2009." says Youth Climate Coalition National Director, Amber Church.

Groups are also encouraging Canadians to sign the KYOTOplus Petition, which calls for Canada to reduce greenhouse gas emissions at lease 25 percent (from 1990 levels) by 2020. Over 50 organizations and communities across Canada have joined Kyotoplus, with more than 50,000 signatures collected to date. For Winnipeg information, or to search your community go to :

View October 9, 2009 Manitoba Wildlands News Item
View October 14, 2009 Power Shift Canada news release
View website
View KYOTOplus website
View Tck Tck Tck event page
View Earth System Research Laboratory Trends page
View Canadian Youth Climate Coalition website

Sources: Power Shift Canada,, KYOTOplus
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New Carbon Credit Database 22 October 09

WCD logoThe world's first database to index carbon offset credits and carbon reduction credits has been launched. The World Carbon Database (WCD), a non-profit open resource, is designed to promote the usage of carbon offsets and responsible ecological behavior.

Clients of founding partners, TerraPass, Bonneville Environmental Foundation and Native Energy are first to be listed in the WCD. Visitors to the WCD website can look up any individual or company and see if they have purchased carbon offsets.

WCD does not sell carbon offsets but uses data collection tools to archive customer and product data. Customer activity data will inspire others, support carbon management services decisions, policy makers, consumers and carbon trading operations.

WCD is partnering with Scripps Institution of Oceanography, a leader in climate change research, in offering educational programs customized to participants. Data will also become a source for academic research on carbon markets and global warming.

Register yourself at

View World Carbon Database website
View September 29, 2009 Native Energy article
View September 16, 2009 Reuters article
View September 16, 2009 TerraPass article
View World Carbon Database Facebook Page

Sources: The Native Energy Voice, Reuters, TerraPass
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North Sea Cable to Link Energy Supergrid 22 October 09

under waterA proposed subsea power connection between Norway and Great Britain would form the backbone of a "European supergrid" linking different sources of renewable energy across the continent.

NGIL, a National Grid subsidiary, and Statnett have signed a contract to explore a high-voltage link that would run more than 900 kilometers across the North Sea. Parties are currently selecting best possible routes for the cable link as a pre-feasibility study concluded it is both economically beneficial and technologically feasible.

The power connection would allow two-way electricity flow between Norway and Great Britain to connect hydroelectricity, offshore wind farms, and oil/gas platforms in the North Sea. Britain seeks to expand their offshore wind capacity and interconnections like this would balance the grid and address wind power reliability challenges.

"A connection between Norway and Great Britain will be valuable for both countires. A future connection will facilitate generation of renewable energy, improve security of supply and contribute to value creation," said Auke Lont CEO at Statnett.

View October 7, 2009 Times Online article
View October 6, 2009 StatNett article
View October 7, 2009 article
View October 8, 2009 Energy Efficiency News article
View October 7, 2009 New Energy Focus article

Sources: Statnett, Wind Fair, Energy Efficiency News
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Mercury Poisoning Concealed 16 October 09

Liquid MercuryA Japanese publication about methyl mercury poisoning exposes former Canada Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau blocking publication of studies about mercury problem at Grassy Narrows First Nation in northwestern Ontario.

The book entitled "Niigata Minimata Disease: Methyl Mercury Poisoning in Niigata, Japan" by Dr. Saito Hisashi quotes witness testimony by Dr. Shiraki Hirotsugu who worked with mercury poisoning in the Ontario community in 1979. Translation into English is recent.

Dr. Andre Barbeau, director of the Clinical Research Institute in Montreal investigated pathology of cats at Grassy Narrows and concluded organic mercury poisoning was present.

Prime Minister Trudeau advised Dr. Barbeau against publishing his findings. Dr. Barbeau confided in Dr. Hirotsugu his fears he may be forced to resign if the study was made public. The studies were never published and both Dr. Barbeau and Dr. Hirotsugu have since passed away.

Between 1962 and 1975, Dryden Chemicals Ltd. released over 10 tonnes of mercury into the Wabigoon River. The pollution spread east and poisoned fish, a main staple for the communities. Methyl mercury causes numbness in the hands and feet, narrowed field of vision, slurred speech, paralysis, possible death.

Grassy Narrows and Whitedog received a multi-million settlement in 1985 from the Canadian government. There is evidence mercury contamination is an ongoing problem, yet no remediation or further studies to measure the effects of mercury exposure have been undertaken.

View October 12, 2009 Intercontinental Cry article
View November 1, 1970 CBC broadcast

Sources: Intercontinental Cry, CBC
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Dam Removal Restores Salmon Runs 16 October 09

Dam explosionA tentative agreement has been reached to remove four hydroelectric dams on the Klamath River and restore a 300-mile migratory route for salmon in California and Oregon.

The dams - Iron Gate, Copco 1, Copco 2 and the J.C. Boyle were built starting in 1909 and are currently operated by the PacificCorp. Blamed for devastating declines of Chinook and coho salmon and steelhead trout, the dams have also warmed the water and allowed contaminating toxic blooms of blue-green algae.

A total of 28 parties, including American Indian tribes, federal agencies, farmers, conservation groups and PacifiCorp negotiated a draft agreement, currently under review and expected to be signed this December.

Dismantling the dams would begin in 2020 at an estimated $450 million. This cost is less than improving the dams with fish ladders, screens and other improvements necessary to comply with US federal Clean Water Act and Fish and Wildlife Agency regulations.

View September 30, 2009 San Francisco Chronicle article
View October 13, 2009 Indian Country News article
View October 3, 2009 New York Times article
View September 30, 2009 Associated Press article

Sources: San Francisco Chronicle, Indian Country , NY Times
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States Can Sue Coal-Burning Utilities 16 October 09

coal plantA recent ruling from a United States Court of Appeal allows seven coastal states, the City of New York and three land trusts to proceed with lawsuits against large coal-burning utilities for emitting carbon dioxide, causing climate change and creating a "public nuisance".

The decision of Second Circuit Court of Appeals in New York overturns a 2005 District Court ruling that found climate change a political issue and not judicial. Major greenhouse gas emitters may now prefer new legislation to the risk of civil lawsuits.

The lawsuit seeks to force emission reductions on the utilities. The plaintiffs, American Electric Power, Southern Corporation, the Tennessee Valley Authority, Xcel Energy and Cinergy Corporation currently emit 10 percent of total GHG emissions in the U.S.

Attorney General Richard Blumenthal said the ruling "breathes new life into our fight against greenhouse gas polluters and changes the legal landscape to impose responsibility where it belongs."

View September 21, 2009 United States Court of Appeals decision (PDF)
View September 21, 2009 New York Times article
View October 9, 2009 Lawyers Weekly article
View September 21, 2009 MSNBC article

Sources: New York Times, Lawyers Weekly, MSNBC
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One Answers, One Declines Survey 15 October 09

Fred Curatolo cartoonManitoba Wildlands has posted answers to its Environment Survey for candidates seeking to become leader of the Manitoba New Democratic Party. Mr. Ashton answered, and Mr. Selinger did not.

Mr. Ashton and Mr. Selinger both indicated they wished to discuss environmental issues with Manitoba Wildlands after the Leadership Convention.

Gaile Whelan Enns, director of Manitoba Wildlands commented, "It is unfortunate Mr. Selinger's campaign staff decided this survey was not important. We thank Mr. Ashton for his response. Manitoba Wildlands expects rapid attention to environmental issues by Manitoba's new premier."

View Manitoba Wildlands NDP Leadership Survey Questions (PDF)
View Steve Ashton's response to the survey (PDF)
View Manitoba Wildlands Elections page

Source: Manitoba Wildlands
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After 30 Years - Water Power Licences 9 October 09

CEC & Manitoba Hydro logoManitoba Water Stewardship and Manitoba Hydro have started steps for permanent water power licences to allow water use for several dams in the Churchill River Diversion (CRD). The CRD has only interim licences for water power, and the dams have no environmental licences.

After the 2004 Wuskwatim environmental reviews and hearings Manitoba's Clean Environment Commission (CEC) recommended that "Manitoba Hydro should apply for the appropriate final licenses for these three operations under The Environment Act and The Water Power Act as soon as possible. (Recommendation 7.6)" Manitoba Wildlands, the Interfaith Tasks for on Hydro Development, and northern communities believe the CEC recommendation means both environmental and water power licensing must be done.

The CEC panel ultimately agreed with a public participants motion filed summer 2003, supported by public participants, that the Wuskwatim generation project area was insufficient, excluded impacts that would be felt elsewhere in the hydro (CRD) system.

A review of documents and correspondence shows that Manitoba Hydro is requesting the current interim water power licences be combined into one permanent licence, for 50 years.

Currently Manitoba Hydro maintains that the generation stations in its system do not need any environmental permits or licences. This view appears to be based on the age of the dams. The dams also were not grandfathered during the 1980s under Manitoba's Environment Act, as many other installations and plants were. No independant cumulative assessment of the CRD system, or generation stations throughout the province has been conducted.

View May 6, 2009 License Application (PDF)
View September 17, 2009 Consultation Agenda (PDF)
View September 17, 2009 Consultation Backgrounder (PDF)
View September 17, 2009 Consultation Community Confirmation Form (PDF)
View September 17, 2009 Costs Guideline (PDF)
View September 17, 2009 Consultation Framework (PDF)
View September 17, 2009 CRD Map (PDF)
View September 17, 2009 Consultation Planning (PDF)
View September 17, 2009 Presentation Slides (PDF)
Visit Manitoba Wildlands page on Water Power Licences
Sources: Manitoba Government
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Earth Overshoot Day - Surpassed 9 October 09

Earth Overshoot Day logoSeptember 25, 2009 marked "Earth Overshoot Day" - the day each year when humanity begins living beyond its ecological means. As of September 25 this year we are using more resources than Earth can regenerate and are using the equivalent of 1.4 planets to support our lifestyles.

Every year Earth produces a finite amount of natural resources - examples of overshooting include cutting down trees faster than they re-grow, catching more fish than are being beaded to stocks, and releasing more CO2 than can be absorbed.

Earth Overshoot Day landed on September 25th this year. The Global Footprint Network calculates this day by taking the world’s Biocapacity, dividing it by the world’s Ecological Footprint and multiplying it by 365 days. In just 268 days the world used the biosphere’s entire capacity for the year. Then we start going into debt by depleting the Earth’s natural capital for the rest of the year.

Earth Overshoot Day has moved forward an average 2-5 days each year. We will require two planets by 2030 if current lifestyles are maintained.

View Earth Overshoot Day 2009 information page
View Earth Overshoot Day press release
View September 25, 2009 Mother Nature Network article
View October 2, 2009 Post-Bulletin article
View September 25, 2009 EurActive article

Sources: The Global Footprint Network, Mother Nature Network
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Churches Call for Eco-Justice 9 October 09

WCC logoThe World Council of Churches Central Committee (WCC) has released a statement on eco-justice and ecological debt that states Christians have a moral obligation to promote ecological justice.

The statement identifies the current ecological crisis as being caused by humans. According to the WCC, countries of the North are responsible for the world's ecological debt due to historic and current exploitation and environmental degradation of southern hemisphere countries.

The statement calls on churches to pressure governments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to less than 350 parts per million (ppm) by adopting a fair and binding deal at the Copenhagen UN climate conference December 2009.

Ecological debt is the real cost that policies of expansion and globalization have on developing nations. The statement calls on the cancellation of "illegitimate financial debts" of the poorest nations in the South as part of social and ecological compassion.

View September 2, 2009 World Council of Churches report
View September 2, 2009 World Council of Churches article
View World Council of Churches - Countdown to Climate Justice
View September 11, 2009 Worldwide Faith News article

Sources: World Council of Churches, The United Methodist Church
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Youth Call for Global Climate Action 9 October 09

PowerShift Canada logoOver 1000 young Canadians will come together for Power Shift Canada - a training, strategy building, and lobbying event October 23 to 26, 2009 in Ottawa. The event will send a message to the federal government for bold and immediate climate action.

Power Shift Canada, hosted by the Canadian Youth Climate Coalition (CYCC), builds on similar successful events in the United Kingdom, Australia and the US. The event is being coordinated with International Day of Action on Climate Change October 24th - a massive demonstration on Parliament Hill.

Power Shift aims to strengthen the youth climate movement and pressure government to implement a national plan in 2010 to reach science-based emission targets, invest in clean renewable energy, and create green jobs. It will also direct attention to Canada's role in negotiations for the next global climate agreement.

The event comes at a key time with the December 2009 United Nations climate negotiations in Cophenhagen around the corner.

View Power Shift Canada website
View Canadian Youth Climate Coalition website
View September 10, 2009 CNW Telbec article
View September 26, 2009 The Chronicle Herald article
View September 21, 2009 The Canadian Press article

Sources: Power Shift Canada, CNW Telbec
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