Manitoba Wildlands  
2008 Protected Areas Efforts Earn Manitoba 'F' 30 March 09

MWL owlManitoba Wildlands has released the annual Manitoba Protected Areas Grade and technical assessment. Its actions, or lack thereof, have earned the provincial government a failing grade for 2008.

In the year since December 2007, Manitoba experienced a net loss of protected lands. This marks the second year in a row that total lands protected actually decreased. No new boreal forest protected areas were established, and development intentions are proceeding in boreal regions without a protected areas network.

Manitoba has one third of the province's regional system of protected areas in place - established during the 1990's - but continues to fail to fulfill its commitments for protected areas establishment.

"Manitoba will be hit hard by climate change. We need urgent action in our boreal forest regions and for forest species. Lands planning, World Heritage Site protection, and protected areas before development are all overdue," said Gaile Whelan Enns, for Manitoba Wildlands.

The next Manitoba protected areas grade period starts March 2009.

See 2008 Protected Areas Grade Technical Assessment, list of Bonus and Penalties, and set of Links. The Manitoba Protected Areas grade is based on government of Manitoba policies, protection standards, regulations, and commitments. Grading criteria have been applied for over fifteen years.

The 2008 protected areas Audit was released earlier and is linked below.

View Manitoba Wildlands' 2008 Protected Areas Grade Technical Assessment
View MAP 2008 Protected Areas - Manitoba (PDF)
View Manitoba Wildlands 2008 Protected Areas - Actions List (PDF)
View Manitoba Wildlands 2008 Protected Areas Audit
View Manitoba Wildlands Protected Areas Audit - News Item
View Manitoba Wildlands Protected Areas Grade page
View 2007 Election Manitoba NDP environment commitments (PDF)

Source: Manitoba Wildlands
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