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Canada Federal Election Survey - 2006

This election survey has been sent to five political parties in Canada. (Election day is January 23, 2006.)

New Democratic Party  |   Conservative Party  |   Green Party   |   Liberals  |   Bloc Quebecois

For details on public policy regarding Manitoba's lands and waters, previous election environment commitments, policy and protected areas mapping, go to our Governments page. Each question has been posed to the political parties based on their campaign to form government in Canada. The survey requests either a Yes or No answer to each question, with comments optional. Please Note: responses from the political parties have not been altered in any way. When a party did not answer a question with a definite Yes or No, " — " was entered.
NOTE - 3 parties have responded (Green Party, NDP and Liberals).

Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA) Questions

Q35 In consideration of the November 2005 announcement of an action plan to consolidate the federal environmental assessment process (, will your government;

Q35 - A ensure that results in environmental assessments include an assessment of impacts respecting existing and proposed protected areas when the project includes federal responsibility under CEAA?

  YES NO Comment
NDP Environmental assessments are a key tool to be used by citizens to help evaluate the environmental and socio-economic merits of proposed projects. Given the federal nature of Canada, in many instances the environmental assessment process requires collaboration between the federal government and provincial and territorial governments. New Democrats are committed to the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA) and to working with provinces to ensure that the spirit and the letter of the Act are followed.
Green Party    

Q35 - B ensure that results in federal experts being available and encouraged to participate in any hearings regarding projects where the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act is triggered and/or the Canada-Manitoba Agreement on Environmental Assessment Cooperation?

  YES NO Comment
NDP See #35A response
Green Party    

Q35 - C ensure that the obligation for consultations with Aboriginal Peoples outlined by the federal courts parties is safeguarded in environmental assessments where the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency is involved?

  YES NO Comment
NDP See #35A response
Green Party    

Q35 - D ensure the review and assessment under the CEAA of the complete footprint of any energy project involving federal responsibilities (impacts on; listed species, Aboriginal rights, land use, water quality), and including new hydro transmission corridors, roads, and other transmission infrastructure associated with such projects?

  YES NO Comment
NDP See #35A response
Green Party    

Q36 Will your government honour the letter of agreement between the Manitoba government and Canada's Minister of the Environment regarding the Shellmouth Dam and Lake of the Prairies?

  YES NO Comment
NDP See #35A response
Green Party    
Liberal   On December 2003, the Liberal government signed an agreement between the Government of Canada and the Province of Manitoba to commit $8 million to address present and past water management issues on the Assiniboine River. We will respect this cost-sharing agreement which will provide $4 million for improvements to the Shellmouth Dam and help bolster water supplies and improve flood-control capacity on the river.

Q37 Will your government ensure that the environmental assessment regarding changes to the Shellmouth Dam and Lake of the Prairies is independent, thorough, in a publicly accessible process?

  YES NO Comment
NDP See #35A response
Green Party    

Q38 Will your government enable an independent review and evaluation of the Canada-Manitoba Agreement on Environmental Assessment Cooperation?

  YES NO Comment
NDP See #35A response
Green Party    