Canada Federal Election Survey - 2006
This election survey has been sent to five political parties in Canada. (Election day is January 23, 2006.)
For details on public policy regarding Manitoba's lands and waters, previous election
environment commitments, policy and protected areas mapping, go to our
Governments page. Each question has been posed to the political parties based
on their campaign to form government in Canada. The survey requests either a Yes
or No answer to each question, with comments optional. Please Note: responses
from the political parties have not been altered in any way. When a party did
not answer a question with a definite Yes or No, " — " was entered.
NOTE - 3 parties have responded (Green Party, NDP and Liberals).
Q1 Will your government encourage provinces and territories to put Renewable Portfolio Standards for new renewable energy in place (following the example of PEI, New Brunswick, Ontario and over 20 US states)?
NO |
Comment |
— |
— |
New Democrats are committed to building a sustainable energy future for Canada. Manitoba provides many examples of how to do this given the Government of Manitoba's leadership in developing geo-thermal heat pumps and wind power. In January 2005, the NDP released a comprehensive Kyoto Implementation Plan that includes a significant number of initiatives that support green energy production. These include:
- investing in an East-West Grid
- programs for co-generation expansion
- development of community capacity for renewable power production
- subsidies for windpower to meet a 10,000 MW by 2010 target
- grants to achieve 100,000 solar rooftops
- green power production incentives for technologies such as tidal, biomass and small hydro
- renewable targets, negotiated with provinces
All of these programs would be developed and implemented following the environmental laws of Canada and in active partnership with provinces, local communities and First Nations.
Conservative |
Green Party |
visit for our policy platforms |
Liberal |
The Liberal government is firmly committed to the development of sustainable sources of renewable energy and believes they are essential to ensuring a competitive green economy. The 2005 budget quadrupled funding to $200 million over five years for incentives for renewable energy through the Wind Power Production Incentive (WPPI) and increased the target for new wind generating capacity to 4000 megawatts (MW), or the amount of power needed annually by approximately one million average Canadian homes. Building on this successful model, Budget 2005 also committed $97 million of five years for a Renewable Power Production Incentive (RPPI), which will support the development of biomass, small hydro, tidal power, and other renewable energy sources.
In terms of wind power production in Canada, Quebec and Alberta are at the forefront of wind energy production in Canada, with 102 MW and 172 MW installed, respectively. However, other provinces are following suit. Large utility-scale wind turbines have been installed in Saskatchewan, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia and the Yukon. Recently, Ontario announced that it has now contracted for 1,370 megawatts of new renewable capacity and outlined a plan to move forward towards meeting its target of adding 2,700 megawatts of new renewable energy by 2010.
The Liberal Government will also continue to work closely with representatives from the private and academic sectors, as well as with provinces and territories, to continue developing and commercializing technologies, thus enabling Canada to be a world leader in renewable energy.
Bloc |
Q2 Will your government guarantee that energy projects, including transboundary projects with federal government funding, will be subject to all standards and guidelines under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA) as part of the environmental assessment for the project?
NO |
Comment |
— |
— |
See #1 response |
Conservative |
Green Party |
Learning to think in terms of watersheds and bioregions requires this transboundary
approach. |
Liberal |
The Partnership fund we launched last spring as part of our Climate Change
plan will help finance, on a cost-sharing basis, major technology and infrastructure
investments identified in collaboration with the provinces and territories,
including the potential extension of the east-west electricity power grid.
We are also committed to reducing the constraints related to undue delays
in review and approval processes for hydroelectricity and related transmission
development, both at the federal level and with provinces through the Council
of Energy Ministers. Ultimately, the final decision for how to best meet
electricity and environmental needs rests with the provinces themselves;
however, guidelines under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act will
be respected. |
Bloc |
Q3 Will your government ensure that First Nation and Aboriginal rights will be respected and accommodated (as per consultation standards set by Canada's courts) as part of environmental assessments for energy projects? Provide time table please.
NO |
Comment |
— |
— |
See #1 response |
Conservative |
Green Party |
Essential to redress existing and past actions of disrespect. |
Liberal |
The Liberal government stands firmly behind the accords we signed with
First Nations, Métis and Aboriginal leadership at the Policy Retreat
in May 2005. We have began taking action. On November 3, 2005, the Joint
Steering Committee met for the first time to oversee joint action and co-operation
on the recognition and reconciliation of Aboriginal and treaty rights. These
approaches will acknowledge and act on legal and constitutional developments
over the past 30 years as a means of ensuring effective and progressive policy.
The inherent right to self-government is guaranteed under section 35 of the
Canadian Constitution. We recognize the importance of self-government for
Aboriginal Peoples as a means of achieving political, social and economic
sufficiency and an improved quality of life overall. The Liberal party supports
self-government and is committed to the resolution of comprehensive claims
to provide a clear, certain and long-lasting definition of rights to lands
and resources for all Canadians. |
Bloc |
Q4 Will your government ensure that the National Energy Board continues to take into account impacts on First Nations rights when reviewing permit applications?
NO |
Comment |
— |
— |
See #1 response |
Conservative |
Green Party |
Liberal |
All projects will continue to be reviewed in accordance with federal and
provincial assessment legislation as well as Memoranda of Understanding that
fully respect First Nations rights |
Bloc |
Q5 Will your government take steps to make sure that wind turbine projects that will ultimately provide more than 99 megawatts energy are subject to joint (federal-provincial) Environmental Assessment, based on publicly posted EA standards?
NO |
Comment |
— |
— |
See #1 response |
Conservative |
Green Party |
Liberal |
Producers participating in the Wind Power Production Program are required
to submit an environmental assessment as per the requirement of the Canadian
Environmental Assessment Act. Under that Act, any Government of Canada program
that provides money for new construction of an installation requires an environmental
assessment. Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) has developed an environmental
assessment guideline document for producers applying under the program. |
Bloc |
Q6 Will your government take the same steps regarding ethanol plants, given that no environmental standards are in place for these plants in Manitoba?
NO |
Comment |
— |
— |
See #1 response |
Conservative |
Green Party |
While the Green Party would work to expand biofuels and cogeneration of
vegetative waste, the party understands there are important ecological considerations
related to the actual efficiency of ethanol production. |
Liberal |
— |
— |
While this is a matter of provincial jurisdiction, all funding through
our Ethanol Expansion Program is conditional on the completion environmental
Bloc |
Q7 Will your government commit to making any federal funding for the proposed East-West grid conditional on the public availability of all data, offsets and credits in carbon and emissions resulting from the construction and operations phases of sections of the grid?
NO |
Comment |
— |
— |
See #1 response |
Conservative |
Green Party |
The question is somewhat unclear although the Green Party would work with
the provinces to improve East-West electricity infrastructure. |
Liberal |
The liberal government is committed to ensuring transparency and accountability
through any and all of aspects of the 2005 Climate Change plan we put forward
last Spring.
Bloc |