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Climate Change Research

Climate Change Reports

Manitoba Wildlands' Climate Change Reports page features publications from civil society groups, including non-government organizations (NGOs), environmental NGOs (ENGOs), faith groups, labour groups, industry and educational and research institutes. Although reports may come from anywhere in the world, our focus will be on Canadian sources.

We have tried to keep categories simple and clear. Some reports could go in more than one category, so if it is not found in one category, keep looking! Each month we will feature one or two new climate change reports in our 'Featured Report' box found below.

Manitoba Wildlands does not necessarily recommend or endorse the contents of publications we list here. The source/author of the report or other material is responsible for its content, factual basis and opinion(s) expressed within.

Ecosystem Status and Trends 2010
biodivcanada report cover
This 2010 assessment is a collaborative project of the Canadian federal, provincial and territorial governments. It forms part of Canada’s commitment to the Convention on Biological Diversity.
downloadDownload October 2010 Report (PDF), Website
Category: Impacts

Adaptation Awareness Energy Industry & Business Policy & Legal
Analysis & Audits Economy Impacts Peoples Science

Analysis & Audits
Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the United States Using...
The World Resources Institute report cover The World Resources Institute
WRI's analysis of potential greenhouse gas emissions reductions by federal and state governments suggests a range of potential outcomes is possible.
downloadDownload July 2010 Report (PDF)
Evaluation of Copenhagen Accord: Chances and Risks for 2°C...
Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency report cover Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency
Report presents an overview of: global emission implications, abatement costs, risks that could increase existing emissions, and options to prevent more than 2°C global warming.
downloadDownload May 2010 Report (PDF), Website
Evaluating the Relative Environmental Impact of Countries
globe Bradshaw CJA
Study ranks countries environmental impact based on natural forest loss, water pollution, carbon emissions, and other factors, so that poor performers as well as policy 'models' can be identified.
Global Biodiversity Outlook 3
Global Diversity Outlook report cover Convention on Biological Diversity
Summarizes the latest data on status and trends of biodiversity and draws conclusions for the future strategy of the Convention.
downloadDownload May 2010 Report (PDF), Website
Driving Down Carbon: Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from...
The Pembina Institute report cover The Pembina Institute, Burda, Bailie & Haines
Measures greenhouse gas emissions from personal transportation sector in Ontario.
downloadDownload April 2010 Report (PDF), Website
Transportation's Role in Reducing U.S. Greenhouse Gases
U.S. Dept. of Transportation report cover U.S. Dept. of Transportation
Evaluates potentially viable strategies to reduce transportation greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
downloadDownload April 2010 Report (PDF), Press Release
Australia's Environment Issues and Trends 2010
Australian Bureau of Statistics report cover Australian Bureau of Statistics
Statistical examination of Australia’s contribution to global greenhouse gas emissions, and predicted climate change impacts on Australia’s society, economy and environment.
downloadDownload January 2010 Report (PDF)
Evaluation of Federal Greenhouse Gas Reduction Policies Prepared for...
globe Pembina Institute
Used in the Climate Change Performance Index 2010, which ranks countries' performance in controlling greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
downloadDownload December 2009 Report (PDF), Website
Climate Change Performance Index 2010
globe German Watch and Climate Action Network
A comparison of the 57 top CO2 emitting nations
Climate Change Science Since 2007
Sierra Club Canada report cover Sierra Club Canada
Reviews developments in climate change science since publication of Nobel prize winning 2007 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Report
downloadDownload December 2009 Report (PDF), Website
World Energy Outlook 2009
IEA logo International Energy Agency
Provides updated projections that take into account the implications of the global credit crisis, the economic slowdown and the recent slump in oil prices.
Bitumen and Biocarbon
plant image Global Forest Watch Canada
Report reveals that significant amounts of greenhouse gases are emitted through the removal of biocarbon (vegetation, peats) and surface mining of bitumen in Alberta.
downloadDownload September 2009 Report (PDF), Press Release (PDF)
Life Cycle Assessment Comparison of North American and Imported...
car Alberta Energy Research Institute
Report based on independent studies finds direct greenhouse gas emissions from oil sands are about 10% higher than direct emissions from other crudes in the U.S.
downloadDownload July 2009 Report (PDF), Website
Purchasing Carbon Offsets
David Suzuki Foundation report cover David Suzuki Foundation & Pembina Institute
A guide to help Canadian consumers, businesses and organizations assess the quality of carbon offsets and the vendors that sell them. Includes a survey of 20 vendors.
downloadDownload July 2009 Report (PDF), Website
G8 Climate Scorecards 2009
WWF report cover WWF & Allianz
Scorecards rate the developments in national legislation and implementation of climate protection of the G8 countries and major developing nations.
downloadDownload July 2009 Report (PDF), Website
Taking Stock: 2005
CEC report cover Commission for Environmental Cooperation
Annual report on releases and transfers of pollutants from industrial facilities in North American. Includes data from Mexico.
downloadDownload June 2009 Report (PDF), Website
Synthesis Report: Climate Change
thermometer image International Alliance of Research Universities
Report presents six key messages on how society should respond to the global risks, challenges and decisions related to climate change.
downloadDownload June 2009 Report (PDF), Website
Climate Counts Company Scorecard
house image Climate Counts
Evaluation of 14 sectors on corporate climate change commitment, including measuring and reducing impacts, supporting climate laws and communicating efforts.
downloadDownload June 2009 Report (PDF), Website
Climate Risk Disclosure in SEC Filings
Ceres report cover The Corporate Library
Analysis of 10-K reporting by oil and gas, insurance, coal, transportation and electric power companies. Calls for guidance on how to include climate related disclosures.
downloadDownload June 2009 Report (PDF), Website
Greenhouse Gas Emission Targets for Limiting Global Warming to 2°C
Nature cover Nature
Study calculates that we can only emit 1000 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide between 2000 and 2050 if we are to keep warming lower than 2°C above pre-industrial levels.
View April 30, 2009 Report Abstract, Website
Emission Reductions By The USA In 2020 And Risk Of Exceeding 2°C...
 report cover Climate Analytics
This report examines the relationship between level of emission reductions to be undertaken by the US by 2020 and risk of exceeding a 2° Celsius warming globally.
downloadDownload March 2009 Report (PDF), Abstract
Assessing National Climate Policy: November 2008-February 2009
Climatico report cover Climatico
This report (the 1st of 4 leading to COP-15 in December 2009) uses general trends between national policies to understand how climate policy is developing in major greenhouse gas-emitting countries.
downloadDownload March 2009 Report (PDF), Abstract
The Pembina Institute's Perspective on Carbon Capture and Storage
earth image Pembina Institute
The Pembina Institute views CCS as one of a number of technologies that can contribute to reducing GHG emissions on the scale required to combat dangerous climate change.
downloadDownload February 2009 Report (PDF), Website
Climate Change 101: Understanding and Responding to Global Climate...
PEw report cover Pew Centre for Global Action on Climate Change
An introduction to climate change, covering climate science and impacts, technological and business solutions, international, US and local government action.
downloadDownload January 2009 Report (PDF), Website
Climate Change Action Plan Annual Report 2008-09
Ontario Government report cover The Environmental Commissioner, Gord Miller, Ontario, Canada
Review of progress of activities by Ontario government to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
downloadDownload 2009 Report (PDF), Website
Assessing the Impacts of Climate Change
Jamet and Corfee-Morlot report cover Jamet and Corfee-Morlot
Review summarizes current estimates of climate change impacts, the large uncertainties affecting them and how this should influence policymakers decisions.
downloadDownload 2009 Report (PDF), Website
2009 State of the Future - Executive Summary
Millenium Project report cover Millennium Project
Includes an assessment of economic systems, global strategies, international environmental security issues, and offers insights for policymakers and business leaders.
downloadDownload 2009 Report (PDF), Website
REDD myths: a critical review of proposed mechanisms...
FOE logo Friends of the Earth International
A comprehensive critique of a new mechanism - known as REDD - to reduce emissions from deforestation and degradation in developing countries.
downloadDownload December 2008 Report (PDF), Website
Evaluation of the Government of Canada's GHG Reduction Policies
MWL image Pembina Institute
Evaluation was prepared as input to the Climate Change Performance Index 2009, which ranks countries' performance in controlling greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
downloadDownload December 2008 Report (PDF), Abstract
The New Politics of Climate Change
 report cover Green Alliance
This publication outlines a new approach to persuading politicians to act on climate change.
downloadDownload November 2008 Report (PDF), Abstract
Putting a Price on Pollution
earth image Pembina Institute
An assessment of the federal parties' proposals for putting a price on greenhouse gas pollution.
downloadDownload October 2008 Report (PDF), Abstract
GHG Emissions Forecasting: Learning from International Best Practices
NRTEE report cover Canada National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy (NRTEE)
The report examines international best practices for forecasting of emissions reductions resulting from government policies.
downloadDownload September 2008 Report, Website
Voters Guide to the Climate Crisis Election
Sierra Club report cover Sierra Club of Canada
An evaluation of Canada's five federal parties' climate-change policies to inform voters during the 2008 federal election.
downloadDownload September 2008 Report (PDF), Website
G8 Climate Scorecards 2008
WWF report cover WWF International
The scorecards rank G8 countries according to nine indicators, revealing G8 countries are lagging behind in the race against climate change.
downloadDownload July 2008 Report (PDF), Abstract
Provincial Power Play: Breaking Away from Federal Inaction...
David Suzuki Foundation report cover David Suzuki Foundation
The David Suzuki Foundation's third analysis and ranking of provincial and territorial climate change plans.
downloadDownload July 2008 Report (PDF), Website
Response of the NRTEE to Canada's Obligations...
NRTEE report cover National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy (NRTEE)
The NRTEE's response to annual requirements created by Canada's Kyoto Protocol Implementation Act regarding the annual Climate Change Plan and Statement.
downloadDownload July 2008 Report (PDF), Website
The March 2008 Federal Regulatory Framework...
Turning the Corner report cover Pembina Institute
An analysis of the Canadian government's recent update to its climate change plan, 'Turning the Corner'.
downloadDownload March 2008 Report (PDF), Abstract
2008 Kyoto Report Card
Sierra Club of Canada report cover Sierra Club of Canada
The Report Card examines federal government progress in meeting targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
downloadDownload March 2008 Report (PDF), Website
Global Carbon Budget 2007
Candell report cover Global Carbon Project
Budget outlines atmospheric CO2 growth from land use change and fossil fuels. Highlights carbon intensity of the economy and natural CO2 sinks.
downloadDownload 2008 Report (PDF), Website
All Over the Map: 2006 Status Report of Provincial Climate Change Plans
David Suzuki Foundation report cover David Suzuki Foundation
The report assesses provincial and territorial action on climate change, compares greenhouse gas emissions, analyzes climate change plans and evaluates 2006.
downloadDownload October 2006 Report (PDF), Website
All Over the Map - A Comparison of Provincial Climate Change Plans
David Suzuki Foundation report cover David Suzuki Foundation
The report assesses provincial and territorial action on climate change, compares greenhouse gas emissions, analyzes climate change plans and evaluates 2005.
downloadDownload October 2005 Report (PDF), Website

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Adaptation Awareness Energy Industry & Business Policy & Legal
Analysis & Audits Economy Impacts Peoples Science

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