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Climate Change Research

Climate Change Reports

Manitoba Wildlands' Climate Change Reports page features publications from civil society groups, including non-government organizations (NGOs), environmental NGOs (ENGOs), faith groups, labour groups, industry and educational and research institutes. Although reports may come from anywhere in the world, our focus will be on Canadian sources.

We have tried to keep categories simple and clear. Some reports could go in more than one category, so if it is not found in one category, keep looking! Each month we will feature one or two new climate change reports in our 'Featured Report' box found below.

Manitoba Wildlands does not necessarily recommend or endorse the contents of publications we list here. The source/author of the report or other material is responsible for its content, factual basis and opinion(s) expressed within.

Ecosystem Status and Trends 2010
biodivcanada report cover
This 2010 assessment is a collaborative project of the Canadian federal, provincial and territorial governments. It forms part of Canada’s commitment to the Convention on Biological Diversity.
downloadDownload October 2010 Report (PDF), Website
Category: Impacts

NOTE: This listing below is the current Climate Change Report additions for this week. To view the complete set of all reports please go to our Climate Change Reports page

Toward Low Carbon Resilient Economies
E3G logo E3G
This brief offers recommendations for donors, recipients, investors and development banks for moving toward a transformative fast start finance package in 2010-2012.
downloadDownload October 2010 Report (PDF), Website

The Energy [R]evolution
Greenpeace report cover Greenpeace
The Energy [R]evolution is the practical solution to our energy needs. It offers a sustainable path to quit dirty, dangerous fuels by transitioning to renewable energy and energy efficiency.
downloadDownload June 2010 Report (PDF)
Report links extreme weather to global warming pollution
globe Environment Minnesota
The report release comes as the Obama administration is developing new global warming pollution and fuel efficiency standards for cars and trucks.
downloadDownload September 2010 Report (PDF)

Ecosystem Status and Trends 2010 report cover
This 2010 assessment is a collaborative project of the Canadian federal, provincial and territorial governments. It forms part of Canada’s commitment to the Convention on Biological Diversity.
downloadDownload October 2010 Report (PDF), Website
The Economic and Employment Impacts of Climate-Related...
Conference Board of Canada report cover Conference Board of Canada
This report examines economic and employment impacts of climate-related technology investments in Canada.
downloadDownload May 2010 Report (PDF)
Climate, Carbon and Coral Reefs
World Meteorlogical Organization report cover World Meteorlogical Organization
This brochure summarizes the CO2 threat to coral reefs, the science support- ing projections and the solutions that are needed to prevent the loss of one of the world’s natural wonders.
downloadDownload October 2010 Report (PDF)
Flowing Forward
WWF International report cover WWF International
Flowing Forward recognizes that sustainability in water management has become a moving target, and is now the biggest obstacle to implementing solutions to impacts of climate change.
downloadDownload September 2010 Report (PDF)

Industry & Business
The Case for Strategic Sino-European Wind Collaboration Under Joint...
The Oxford Institute for Energy Studies logo The Oxford Institute for Energy Studies
The objective of this Report is to explore potential for addressing developing country emissions through bilateral Joint Commitment Framework Agreements (JCFA).
downloadDownload June 2010 Report (PDF), Website

Policy & Legal
Energy Demands on Water Resources
water U.S. Department of Energy
The paper recommends integrating into Congressional and federal policymaking for energy production new requirements for taking into account whether enough water is available for new thermoelectric plants.
downloadDownload December 2006 Report (PDF)
Climate Change and Foreign Policy in Canada: Intersection and Influence
IISD report cover IISD
This paper examines the Canadian climate change and foreign policy dynamic, analyzing strengths and failures of existing policy and prospects for new policy in the areas of federal-provincial relations, international diplomacy, and other areas.
downloadDownload August 2010 Report (PDF), Website
Annual report on the technical review of greenhouse gas inventories...
car green UNFCCC
This document provides information on the status of submission and review of the annual information required under Article 7, paragraph 1, of the Kyoto Protocol, including the GHG inventories.
downloadDownload November 2010 Report (PDF)
Norway - Sustainable Development: Climate Change and Fisheries...
water Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
This document notes some potential conflicts between some sustainable development objectives and that Norway should follow through more strongly to further their sustainability goals.
downloadDownload October 2010 Report (PDF), Website

Manitoba Wildlands2002-2010