Title: Manitoba
Protected Areas Actions 2009 Grade Year
Date: Winter 2010
Grade given: C (Manitoba Wildlands) 
Description: These annual maps accompany each year's protected areas grade for Manitoba government action. The grade is based on Manitoba public policy and ecological standards. (PDF) |
Title: Manitoba Protected Areas Actions 2008 Grade Year
Date: Winter 2009
Grade given: F (Manitoba Wildlands) 
Description: These annual maps accompany each year's protected areas grade for Manitoba government action. The grade is based on Manitoba public policy and ecological standards. |
Title: Manitoba Protected Areas Actions 2007 Grade Year
Date: Fall 2007
Grade given: C- (Manitoba Wildlands) 
Description: These annual maps accompany each year's protected areas grade for Manitoba government action. The grade is based on Manitoba public policy and ecological standards. |
Title: Manitoba Protected Areas Actions 2006 Grade Year
Date: Fall 2006
Grade given: D (Manitoba Wildlands) 
Description: These annual maps accompany each year's protected areas grade for Manitoba government action. The grade is based on Manitoba public policy and ecological standards. |
Title: Manitoba Protected Areas Actions 2005 Grade Year
Date: Fall 2005
Grade given: F (Manitoba Wildlands) 
Description: These annual maps accompany each year's protected areas grade for Manitoba government action. The grade is based on Manitoba public policy and ecological standards. |
Title: Manitoba Protected Areas Actions 2004 Grade Year
Date: Summer 2004
Grade given: C- (Manitoba Wildlands) 
Description: These annual maps accompany each year's protected areas grade for Manitoba government action. The grade is based on Manitoba public policy and ecological standards. |
Title: Manitoba Protected Areas Actions 2003 Grade Year
Date: Spring 2003
Grade given: D- (Canadian Nature Federation)
Description: These annual maps accompany each year's protected areas grade for Manitoba government action. The grade is based on Manitoba public policy and ecological standards. |
Title: Manitoba Protected Areas Actions 2002 Grade Year
Date: Spring 2002
Grade given: D (Canadian Nature Federation)
Description: These annual maps accompany each year's protected areas grade for Manitoba government action. The grade is based on Manitoba public policy and ecological standards. |
Title: Manitoba Protected Areas Actions 2001 Grade Year
Date: Spring 2001
Grade given: C- (Canadian Nature Federation)
Description: These annual maps accompany each year's protected areas grade for Manitoba government action. The grade is based on Manitoba public policy and ecological standards. |
Title: Manitoba Protected Areas Actions 2000 Grade Year
Date: Spring 2000
Grade given: B (WWF Endangered Spaces)
Description: These annual maps accompany each year's protected areas grade for Manitoba government action. The grade is based on Manitoba public policy and ecological standards. |
Title: Manitoba Protected Areas Actions 1999 Grade Year
Date: Spring 1999
Grade given: B- (WWF Endangered Spaces)
Description: These annual maps accompany each year's protected areas grade for Manitoba government action. The grade is based on Manitoba public policy and ecological standards. |
Title: Protected Areas in Manitoba
Date: January 2014
Created by: Manitoba Government |
Title: Manitoba's Network of Protected Areas
Date: February 2012
Created by: Manitoba Government |
Title: Proposed Hudson Bay Polar Bear Park - 2014
Date: February 2014
Created by: Manitoba Wildlands |
Title: Proposed Hudson Bay Polar Bear Park - 2014
Date: February 2014
Created by: Manitoba Wildlands |
Title: Protected Areas Manitoba Map - 2012
Date: February 2012
Created by: Manitoba Government |
Title: Protected Areas Manitoba Map (South) - 2011
Date: April 2011
Created by: Manitoba Wildlands |
Title: Protected Areas Manitoba Map (North) - 2011
Date: April 2011
Created by: Manitoba Wildlands |
Title: Protected Areas Manitoba Map - 2009
Date: March 2009
Created by: Protected Areas Initiative
Description: Issued by government to show protected areas. |
Title: Protected Areas Manitoba Map - 2008
Date: September 2008
Created by: Protected Areas Initiative
Description: Issued by government to show protected areas. |
Title: Protected Areas Manitoba Map - 2007
Date: April 2007
Created by: Protected Areas Initiative
Description: Issued by government to show protected areas. |
Title: Protected Areas Manitoba Map - 2004
Date: 2004
Created by: Protected Areas Initiative
Description: Issued by government to show protected areas. |
Title: Manitoba Current Protected Areas and Areas of Special Interest 2002
Date: April 2002
Created by: Protected Areas Initiative
Description: Issued by government to show protected areas. |
Title: Protected Areas Manitoba Map - 2002
Date: August 2002
Created by: Manitoba Conservation, Parks and Natural Areas
Description: Issued by government to show protected areas.
Download: PDF |
Title: Protected Areas Manitoba Map - 1990
Date: 2000
Created by: Manitoba Conservation, Parks and Natural Areas
Description: Issued by government to show protected areas. Shows national parks and ecological reserves only. |
Title: Priority Areas of Manitoba Map 2007
Date: April 2007
Created by: Protected Areas Initiative
Description: Manitoba's priority areas. |
Title: Areas of Special Interest Manitoba Map 2007
Date: April 2007
Created by: Protected Areas Initiative
Description: Areas of Special Interest (ASI) are designed by Manitoba Conservation, as potential protected areas. |
Title: Areas of Special Interest Manitoba Map 2004
Date: 2004
Created by: Protected Areas Initiative
Description: Areas of Special Interest (ASI) are designed by Manitoba Conservation, as potential protected areas. |
Title: Areas of Special Interest Manitoba Map 2001
Date: June 2001
Created by: Protected Areas Initiative
Description: Areas of Special Interest (ASI) are designed by Manitoba Conservation, as potential protected areas.
Download: PDF |
Title: Mining Rank One Areas - Hudson Bay 2006 Map
Date: March 2006
Created by: Manitoba Wildlands 
Description: Rank 1 sites have been reviewed and approved by the Minerals sector for protected status. |
Title: Natural Regions and Rank 1 2005 Detailed Map
Date: May 2005
Created by: Manitoba Geological Survey
Description: Rank 1 sites have been reviewed and approved by the Minerals sector for protected status. * This is the detailed version of the 2005 map. |
Title: Natural Regions and Rank 1 2005 Map
Date: November 2005
Created by: Manitoba Geological Survey
Description: Rank 1 sites have been reviewed and approved by the Minerals sector for protected status. |
Title: Natural Regions and Rank 1 2004 Map
Date: October 2004
Created by: Manitoba Geological Survey
Description: Rank 1 sites have been reviewed and approved by the Minerals sector for protected status. |
Title: Protected Lands and Rank 1 ASI's 2002 Map
Date: August 2002
Created by: Protected Areas Initiative
Description: Rank 1 sites have been reviewed and approved by the Minerals sector for protected status. |
Title: Mining Sector Protected Areas Rank One 2001 Map
Date: August 2002
Created by: Manitoba Industry Trade and Mines, Mines Branch
Description: Rank 1 sites have been reviewed and approved by the Minerals sector for protected status. |
Title: Natural Regions Manitoba Map - 2007
Date: April 2007
Created by: Protected Areas Initiative |
Title: Natural Regions Representation Manitoba Map - 2004
Date: June 2004
Created by: Protected Areas Initiative |
Title: Natural Regions Manitoba Map - 2004
Date: June 2004
Created by: Protected Areas Initiative |
Title: Natural Regions Manitoba Map - 2001
Date: June 2001
Created by: Protected Areas Initiative
Download: PDF |
Title: Enduring Features in Poplar/Nanowin Rivers Park Reserve
Date: December 2007
Created by: Manitoba Wildlands 
Announcement: Protected Lands Decreased in Poplar/Nanowin Rivers Park Reserve
Title: Enduring Features in Eco Region 4c Lac Seul Uplands
Date: December 2007
Created by: Manitoba Wildlands 
Announcement: Protected Lands Decreased in Poplar/Nanowin Rivers Park Reserve
Title: Delta Marsh Wildlife Management Area
Date: July 2006
Created by: Manitoba Wildlands 
Announcement: Protection of Delta Marsh, New WMAs Announced
Title: Fisher Bay and Birch Island Park Reserves
Date: November 2005
Created by: Manitoba Wildlands 
Announcement: Fisher Bay & Birch Island Park Reserves Renewed
Title: Armit Meadows & Birch River Ecological Reserves Map
Date: October 2005
Created by: Manitoba Wildlands 
Announcement: Porcupine Forest Reserves Announced
Title: Manitoba Tall Grass Prairie Preserve - Protected Areas and Private Lands
Date: August 2005
Created by: Manitoba Wildlands 
Announcement: Second Tall Grass Prairie Agreement
Title: Mining Sector Ranking - Brokenhead Wetland Ecological Reserve
Date: June 2005
Created by: Manitoba Wildlands 
Announcement: New Brokenhead Wetland Ecological Reserve
Title: Chitek Lake Park Reserve and Lowlands National Park
Date: February 2005
Created by: Manitoba Wildlands 
Announcement: Chitek Lake Protection Extended
Title: Caribou River Provincial Park Map
Date: 2002
Created by: Manitoba Conservation
Announcement: Caribou River and Trappist Monastery Protected
Title: Current Manitoba Hydro Operations/Lowlands National Park Map
& Manitoba Hydro Transmission Options for Proposed Lowlands National Park Map
Date: Spring 2005
Created by: Manitoba Wildlands  |
Title: Long Point and Limestone Bay Rank 1 ASI's (Proposed Lowlands National Park)
Date: September 2004
Created by: Manitoba Geological Survey
Description: Shows geology and mineral potential |
Title: Manitoba Lowlands National Park Proposed 2004 Map
Date: 2004
Created by: Parks Canada |
Title: Manitoba Lowlands National Park Proposal Map 2002
Date: May 2002
Created by: Parks Canada |
Title: Grass River Provincial Park: Proposed Reed Lake Mine, Road and Wildlife
Date: February 2013
Created by: Manitoba Wildlands  |
Title: Grass River Provincial Park: Proposed Road, Wildlife and Protected Areas
Date: January 2012
Created by: Manitoba Wildlands  |
Title: Grass River Provincial Park: Proposed Road and Closed Areas
Date: December 2011
Created by: Manitoba Wildlands  |
Title: Grass River Provincial Park: Drill Holes and Mining
Date: December 2011
Created by: Manitoba Wildlands  |
Title: Grass River Provincial Park: Proposed Road and Wildlife
Date: December 2011
Created by: Manitoba Wildlands  |
Title: Whiteshell Park, Land Use Classes Map
Date: April 2009
Created by: Manitoba Wildlands  |
Title: Meditation Lake, East Side Parks Map
Date: April 2009
Created by: Manitoba Wildlands  |
Title: Meditation Lake with Gravel Reserves and Mining Map
Date: April 2009
Created by: Manitoba Wildlands  |
Title: Grass River Provincial Park - Drill Holes and Mining Map
Date: August 2008
Created by: Manitoba Wildlands  |
Title: Grass River Provincial Park - Proposed Road and Wildlife Map
Date: June 2008
Created by: Manitoba Wildlands  |
Title: Grass River Provincial Park - Proposed Road and Closed Areas Map
Date: June 2008
Created by: Manitoba Wildlands  |