Poll Results
Manitoba Wildlands is providing our audiences an opportunity to say what you think.
Please check our home page for the latest poll and vote frequently. Results of all polls will be listed also.
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Past Poll Results
View previous polls by year
December 21, 2009: Should Manitoba have protected areas inside forest licence areas?
November 21, 2009: Should Manitoba count GHG emissions from dams construction?
November 6, 2009: Do you want to know GHG emissions for specific Manitoba sites?
October 23, 2009: Should Manitoba create/add new protected lands whenever protected lands are removed?
October 9, 2009: Should Manitoba count GHG emissions at more than 8 locations (only sites in national inventory)?
September 17, 2009: Should Manitoba report GHG emissions from hydro dams?
August 21, 2009: Should Manitoba grant First Nation protected lands nominations?
August 4, 2009: Should all new parkland be protected from development?
July 24, 2009: Should Manitoba heritage rivers be protected from development?
July 7, 2009: Should Manitoba protect at least half of our boreal forests?