Poll Results
Manitoba Wildlands is providing our audiences an opportunity to say what you think.
Please check our home page for the latest poll and vote frequently. Results of all polls will be listed also.
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Past Poll Results
View previous polls by year
December 13, 2013: Should Bipole III construction be on hold until the Appeal to Cabinet about Bipole III is done?
November 29, 2013: Does Lake Winnipeg need a plan, with timetable, for its return to healthy ecosystems, funded by Manitoba and Canada?
November 15, 2013: Should the Manitoba government keep its commitment to create new protected areas?
November 1, 2013: Should the CEC require Manitoba Hydro to make public all reports, documents, and agreements referenced in the Keeyask hearings?
October 21, 2013: Should Manitoba act on promises Premier Selinger made in 2009 to protect northern peatlands?
September 27, 2013: Should Manitoba have mines in our parks?
September 13, 2013: Should Manitoba act on the CEC recommendation for a cumulative effects assessment of our hydro system before any more projects are licensed?
August 23, 2013: Should Manitoba conduct an environmental review of TransCanada Pipeline's East West project, like Quebec and Ontario?
August 8, 2013: Does Manitoba need to ban tracking like Quebec has?
July 19, 2013: Should Manitobans have to pay to get fracking arsenic out of Virden water?
June 28, 2013: Should Manitoba Hydro's new transmission line to the US have full environmental review and hearings?
June 14, 2013: Should the Clean Environment Commission Bipole 3 report be made public immediately?
May 31, 2013: Should there be environmental studies and community consultations before making the Lake Manitoba Channel permanent?
May 17, 2013: Should the Public Utility Board include First Nation intervenors in the economic review of Manitoba Hydro's development plan?
May 3, 2013: Should Manitoba improve its World Heritage Site UNESCO nomination?
April 19, 2013: Should there be a Fracking moratorium in Manitoba?
April 5, 2013: Should Manitoba Conservation Minister Mackintosh wait for the CEC Recommendations before licencing Bipole III?
March 22, 2013: Should the CEC listen to hearing participants and recommend against a licence for Bipole III?
March 9, 2013: Does Manitoba need to return to creating new protected areas, while upgrading our recreational parks?
February 22, 2013: Should Manitoba protect instead of mine the Interlake peat bogs under review?
February 1, 2013: Do Manitobans want mines in our parks?
January 18, 2013: Does Manitoba need to add more First Nations history and treaties to school curriculum?
January 4, 2013: Should Ottawa reverse its decisions to stop protecting most Canadian lakes and rivers?