Poll Results
Manitoba Wildlands is providing our audiences an opportunity to say what you think.
Please check our home page for the latest poll and vote frequently. Results of all polls will be listed also.
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Past Poll Results
View previous polls by year
December 21, 2012: Should the review of Manitoba's new Energy Plan and the Sustainable Development Act include public discussions?
December 12, 2012: Should all trade deals the Canadian Government negotiates be transparent and include climate change emissions reporting and carbon costs?
November 23, 2012: Should information about changes to the Bipole III route be reviewed publicly before hearings resume?
November 9, 2012: Should Manitoba Hydro make all environment protection plans for Bipole III public, including reports and monitoring?
October 26, 2012: Should large bison herds in Manitoba have management standards and regulations?
October 19, 2012: Do we need public review and discussions of Manitoba's new green strategy, TomorrowNOW?
October 3, 2012: Should the Bipole III hearings review cost of the project?
September 21, 2012: Should Manitoba reconsider its ethanol fuel mandate given the risk of global food shortages, and starvation?
September 11, 2012: Does it make sense for Manitoba Conservation to shut down the library and main public registry under the Environment Act?
August 31, 2012: Should the Bipole III Clean Environment Commission review environmental, social, and economic aspects of the transmission project?
August 17, 2012: Will losing more than 50% of Arctic Ice this year affect Canada's climate and emissions?
August 3, 2012: Will the Manitoba Government complete First Nations consultations before licensing Bipole III?
July 20, 2012: Should Manitoba Hydro fill in all the gaps for its Bipole III Environmental Impact Statement?
July 6, 2012: Should the Manitoba 2011 Flood Task Force be transparent?
June 22, 2012: Should Manitoba create more than 15 new protected areas in the next eight years - as new green plan says?
June 8, 2012: Should Manitoba resume creating new protected areas and parks based on its ecological and conservation standards?
May 25, 2012: Should Manitoba's new ground water regulations ban fracking?
May 11, 2012: Do First Nations have more than "traditional knowledge" to contribute to environmental reviews?
April 27, 2012: Should the Manitoba government put staff and policies in place to replace federal environment assessments?
April 20, 2012: Should Winnipeg approve a private water park for The Forks without detailed financial plans?
April 13, 2012: Should the Manitoba government ask Manitobans to review the Environment Plan for Manitoba its releasing this summer?
March 30, 2012: Should Manitoba Hydro fill gaps in its BP3 environment statement so more information is available before hearings?
March 19, 2012: Should First Nations communities be funded to participate in BiPole III hearings?
March 2, 2012: Should the logging road through Manitoba's Grass River Provincial Park be stopped?
February 17, 2012: Should Manitoba 2011 flood reviews hold public meetings with Manitobans?
January 25, 2012: Should Manitoba include green house gasses from hydro reservoirs in climate change reporting?
January 13, 2012: Should the Manitoba Auditor General audit Flood 2011 costs, compensation and expected costs?