Poll Results
Manitoba Wildlands is providing our audiences an opportunity to say what you think.
Please check our home page for the latest poll and vote frequently. Results of all polls will be listed also.
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Past Poll Results
View previous polls by year
December 19, 2014: Should communities around Lake Winnipeg be encouraged to participate in the upcoming Lake Winnipeg Regulation hearings ?
December 5, 2014: Should Manitoba conduct environmental assessment for Energy East pipeline across Manitoba before issuing any work permits?
November 14, 2014: Should Manitoba enact regulations that actually protect boreal lands for the eastside World Heritage Site?
October 22, 2014: Should Manitoba's government fulfill the northern flood agreement in its negotiations with Pimicikamak at Cross Lake?
October 7, 2014: Should Winnipeg and Manitoba make sure that First Nations who supply Winnipeg's water are compensated?
September 19, 2014: Should the Manitoba government act on the PUB recommendations, and tell us they will not build Conawapa?
September 5, 2014: Does Manitoba need to return to Premier Selinger's promise for full Lake Winnipeg regulation public hearings with participant funding, and the stop delays before our next election?
July 25, 2014: Does Manitoba Conservation need to make public their intentions for 2.9 million hectare Hudson's Bay Park?
July 7, 2014: Should the Manitoba government make all reports about the 2011 flood and the Channel between Lake St. Martin and Lake Winnipeg public?
June 27, 2014: Should the Public Utilities Board report about Hydro development plans be made public, and have public review?
June 6, 2014: Do you think Manitoba's new Peatlands Stewardship bill should protect peatlands and the carbon they store?
May 24, 2014: Do the Manitoba government public comments web pages need to be public, like the public registry?
May 9, 2014: Should public comments on new peatlands strategy and woodland caribou strategy be open and public?
April 26, 2014: Should the Clean Environment Commission report about the Keeyask dam be made public immediately?
April 11, 2014: Should we have goals and timelines to deliver alternative energy in Manitoba?
March 28, 2014: Should the Manitoba government act on its promise to add protected lands to Whiteshell park?
March 14, 2014: Does the Manitoba government need to review the Energy East pipeline proposal and participate in the NEB hearings?
February 28, 2014: Does Manitoba Hydro need to provide information for Lake Winnipeg Review?
February 14, 2014: Does our government need to have workshops about updating the Environment Act?
January 3, 2014: Should the CEC hold hearings about the upcoming expensive Manitoba Hydro transmission line to Minnesota?